Do You Change Your Carry Methods During Colder Weather?
Cooler Weather Approaches. How will this effect your carry methods? While the lower half of the country doesn't experience much of a change in seasons, the mid and upper half gets a pretty decent Winter. This brings out the big guns- literally. Colder weather means outerwear, which means you can potentially conceal a much larger pistol under your coat or jacket. In addition, most of the United State's big game hunting seasons start once the weather is cooler, resulting in folks carrying a back up pistol for hunting. If you live in the northern US, you're most likely to carry a larger firearm in the cooler months. You're no longer bound by the limitations of concealed carry under a t-shirt. All of the doors open up once a jacket becomes involved. We're located in North Carolina, just north enough to see the leaves turn and experience some jacket weather for a few months. During this time we upgrade all of our Winter gear to OWB Holsters ,...