Mounted on Right vs Mounted on Left

f you're thinking about ordering a Mounted Holster for your vehicle, pay close attention to which side of the firearm you'll want the mount to be placed on. Below are some examples of each...
Mounted Holster for Vehicle
As shown above, the Dara Mounted Holster on the left has the mount placed on the right. You will want this option in the following scenarios:
  • You are LEFT Handed and are mounting the holster under the steering wheel, to the left.
  • You are LEFT Handed and are mounting the holster on the seat rail.
  • You are RIGHT Handed and are mounting the holster on the center console, by your right leg.
You'll choose to place the mount on the left in the following scenarios:
  • You are RIGHT Handed and are mounting the holster under the steering wheel, to the right.
  • You are RIGHT Handed and are mounting the holster on the seat rail.
  • You are LEFT Handed and are mounting the holster to your driver's side door in any way.
Glock 19 Mounted Holster for Vehicle
Tough-Claw Mounted Holster for Vehicle
Tough-Claw Mounted Holster for Vehicle

If you are unsure about the mounted holster you need to order, see below:


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