Modular Appendix Rigs

Modular Appendix Rig Holster, aiwb rig, aiwb holster, aiwb, appendix carry, appendix carry holster, aiwb holster and sidecar, sidecar, holster sidecar, trex arms sidecar, dara holsters, appendix holster, aiwb holsters

Since it's introduction back in April, the Modular Appendix Rig has taken over the shop! The idea was presented to us by several customers (seemingly all at once). We were given several requests for a holster and magazine carrier combo, as some of our customers were disappointed by some rigs already on the market. It took several months, but we came up with a design that is actually comfortable. Unlike the existing AIWB Holster and magazine combinations, ours is modular and flexible; allowing the carrier to sit and stand comfortably with no gut jabbing that has become synonymous with Appendix Carry.

These are just a few of the Appendix Holster Rigs that have gone out lately. As you can see, the holster and mag carrier are held together by a piece of PVC coated nylon. This piece provides flexibility, but is sturdy enough to last through anything you can throw at it.

You can also adjust the ride height of the attached mag carrier or take it off completely. This feature is great for those times when you don't need to carry a spare magazine. Instead of buying a new AIWB holster, you can just gran a Philips head screwdriver and voila!

Modular Appendix Rig Holster, aiwb rig, aiwb holster, aiwb, appendix carry, appendix carry holster, aiwb holster and sidecar, sidecar, holster sidecar, trex arms sidecar, dara holsters, appendix holster, aiwb holsters


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