Popular Gear for Range Time & Competitive Shooting
Most Popular in Action Sports Gear
Addidas Fast X High GTX BootMr. Colin Noir uses these when he trains, they have an average of five out of five stars on Amazon.
PACT Shot Timer
This shot timer is used by many professionals to time shots and also provides you wish ballistics information like trajectory and hold offs for wind drifts.
Howard Leight by Honeywell R-01902 Impact Pro Electronic Shooting Earmuffs
Highest rated Ear Protection for Competitive Shooting by shootingandsafety.com
Eye Protection for Shooting
Both of these are rated five stars by shootingandsafety.com, both have different price points.
Range Bag and Backpack
Both bags come highly recommended from a number of shooters. I, personally, use the GPS Handgunner Backpack.
Ammo Storage
I HIGHLY recommend using these for ammo storage, they're tough, water proof and allow you to store ammo in a very organized way. They also stack together in various sizes.
Holsters & Mag Carriers
Our Action Sport Holster lines has risen to the top of the market in the last 5 years. Check out our Competitive Shooting Packages below!

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