Monthly Deals

We have some very exciting news coming in September!

Sign up for our mailing list to get monthly deals sent to your inbox. These e-mails are sent monthly, with the exception of special announcements such as new firearms, lights, or lasers added to our website, or other press releases.

Joining our e-mail list guarantees that you will be the first to know about any new sales or products, and you will always have exclusive access to discounts available on new products.

September is going to be a big month for us, as we introduce a few new products. These products have been a longtime in the making, and we are very excited to share them with you!

Keep in mind, right now we have a 35% discount running on our Sale Section. This sale will end September 1st, once we introduce our new products. You can find some of our Sale items below.

Ruger LC9 w/Viridian R5 & ECR for $54

Ruger LC9 with R5

IWB & 2 Mag Carriers for Glock 36 for $62

Glock 36 Holster and Mag Carriers

Ruger LC9S w/Lasermax for $47


Ruger LC9S with Lasermax

OWB Holster for the HK VP9 for $39

HK VP9 Holster


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